Our purpose
Professional hair and skin care for a changing beauty world. Through innovation, a focus on value, and collective commitment, we strive to inspire the industry and make a lasting contribution.
The haircare.group is a unique employee-orientated group of companies. Brilliant, talented and dedicated employees and teams work in every part of our group. Our leadership team is committed to unlocking the full potential of our innovative strength and passion to drive success.
Dr. Michael Allert
Managing Director Group
Timo Allert
Managing Director Group
Dennis Böhm
Managing Director Group
Dr. Silke Granzow
Managing Director
Production R&D
Frank Pfeifer
Managing Director
Sarah Brandt
Managing Director
Salons & Hairdresser
Marcel G.
Managing Director
Florian Schönleitner
Managing Director
Oliver Sigmund
Managing Director
ixomo GmbH
Carsten Jurk
Managing Director
equipe4brands GmbH